

This version was saved 18 years, 11 months ago View current version     Page history
Saved by PBworks
on March 7, 2006 at 10:04:09 am

Before and AfterThis wiki is the home of an article that appears in heavily edited (in a good way) form in Make magazine, Volume 5. While the editors did a great job of distilling ramblings that far exceeded the word limit I was given into a consise and useful article, the limits of space prohibited much of the additional description, background, nuance, and pictures of my original piece. So, I thought it was worth posting my first draft. What it lacks in polish I hope it makes up for in depth.


I also hope that this article will serve as a useful point of discussion for people who are interested in hand bookbinding, which is why I created it as a wiki. If you'd like to add or edit content, please read WikiRules first.


  1. OldeSchoolBookbinding
  2. StrippingTheExistingCover
  3. CreatingSignatures
  4. PreparingSignaturesForStitching
  5. StitchingTheSignatures
  6. GluingTheSpine
  7. BuildingCoverBoards
  8. AttachingTheCoverBoards
  9. CoveringTheCover
  10. FinishingUp


Please pardon the sloppy HTML garbarge in the source for these pages. It's the unavoidable (or, at least, unfixable, without a lot of work) result of Word-to-blog-to-wiki conversion I went through when deciding how best to present the material online.





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